SPRING Conference 2023
April 20 & 21 / Willard Hotel, Washington DC
Thursday April 20 - All member events in the Crystal Room
10 AM - 11:30 AM - NOIP Board Meeting, Pierce Room
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM - Networking Lunch - Join fellow NOIP members for a casual networking lunch. This is a great way to kick off the conference while you catch up with colleagues.
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM - Robert Cook, CEO and President - FINRA
NOIP member Manisha Kimmel* joins Mr. Cook for a wide reaching discussion on the regulatory environment today as well as FINRA's road map for the future.
Robert Cook Bio
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM - Buy Side Town Hall Forum
NOIP is at its best when its members are actively discussing today's issues. We have gathered a group of leaders from the buy side to lead a free wheeling discussion on what they are seeing in their day to day role. This no-agenda panel is unscripted and dependent upon audience participation so please bring your ideas and questions.
Ashley Banfield* - Co-Head, Global Execution Strategy, Fidelity Management and Research
Ali Lombardo* - Head of Trading, Corbets Capital
Chip Coleman* - Director of Trading - T|S|W
Phil Nestico* - Head of Trading, T. Rowe Price
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM - 2023 Capital Markets Legislative and Regulatory Outlook
The panelists will discuss key regulatory priorities that Chair Gensler has championed during his first two years at the helm of the SEC and opine on the challenging path forward the agency will confront in finalizing dozens of rule proposals. They will also discuss how Republicans in Congress will try to use oversight to slow down Gensler’s Agenda as well as whether there are any opportunities for legislation heading into the 2024 elections.
Moderator: Ben Brown, Principal, Blue Ridge Law and Policy
Kristy Croushore, Fidelity Investments, Vice President, Federal Government Relations
Jennifer Flitton, Invesco Ltd., Senior Vice President, Federal Affairs
Josh Wilsusen, SIFMA, Executive Vice President, Advocacy
Walton Liles, Principal, Blue Ridge Law and Policy
2:45 PM - 3:00 PM - BREAK
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM - Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL 11th District)
Congressman Bill Foster Bio
3:30 PM - 4:15 - What Equity Traders Need to Know About Options Market Activity?
Equity professionals have been inundated with research showing parabolic growth in 0DTE, or options with zero days to expiration, and in some cases the research points to pending doom in the event of significant short term moves, a so-called Volmageddon 2.0 event. In this panel session, we will hear from options market practitioners who will demystify some of the hyperbole surrounding options market growth and set us straight on the pros and cons of the recent growth in options activity. We will learn how options market makers manage risk, especially nearing expiry, as well as what products are most actively traded by retail and institutional users. As well, the panelists will dig in on some of the mechanics of options trading, in particular auctions for retail orders, as regulators contemplate mirroring some options market conventions in equity trading.
Moderator - Peter Haynes* , Managing Director, Index Products and Market Structure, TD Cowen
Panelists –
Michael Shea, Senior Director, US Options Business, CBOE Global Markets
Chris Larkin, Managing Director, Head of Trading & Investing, E*TRADE
Dave Kovtun, Options Sales & Trading, Jane Street
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM - Dr. Chris Ford, National Security Institute
NOIP Treasurer Tim Mahoney* sits with Dr. Ford for an engaging discussion on today's geopolitical landscape. Dr. Ford will focus on his experience in nonproliferation and international security. His work with the State Department and his focus on China will certainly provide for a compelling dialogue.
Dr Chris Ford Bio
5:00 PM - 6 PM - Free time
6 PM - 7 PM Cocktails at The Metropolitan Club, The Red Lounge 1700 H St NW
7 PM - Dinner at The Metropolitan Club, 1700 H St NW (Jacket and tie required)
Friday April 29 - All member events in Crystal Room
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM - Breakfast and NOIP Annual Meeting
8:45 AM - 9:15 AM - Haoxiang Zhu - Director, Division of Trading and Markets, SEC
NOIP member Lisa Mahon Lynch* joins Director Zhu for a wide ranging discussion on the issues that are front and center at the Commission today. With pending rules proposals and an open comment period, this will be an enlightening opportunity for NOIP members to hear from the Director as well as provide feedback.
Haoxiang Zhu Bio.pdf
Lisa_Mahon_Lynch BIO.pdf
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM - The comments are In: A Panel Discussion of Key Elements Affecting Institutional Investors from the SEC’s Proposed Rules
The SEC’s proposed rules from December 2022 represent the most dramatic proposed reform to markets in decades, and public comments are now in, submitted in record numbers. We’ve invited a cross-section of firms to discuss key elements from their letters, covering cross sections most relevant to the NOIP membership.
Moderator - Jonathan Kellner*, MEMX, CEO
John Ramsay - Chief Market Policy Officer, IEX
Phil Mackintosh* - Chief Economist, Nasdaq
Joe Mecane* - Head of Execution Services, Citadel Securities
Craig Hurl* - Managing Director, Capital Markets, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
Rich Steiner* - RBC
Citadel Retail Auctions
Citadel Ticks and Access Fees
OTPP Joint Letter
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM - Break
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - SEC Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda and Dan Gallagher, Chief Legal Officer Robinhood, Former Commissioner, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Dan Gallagher hosts a fireside chat with Commissioner Uyeda in what promises to be a thoughtful, all-reaching discussion on today's regulatory environment.
Commissioner Uyeda Bio
11:30 AM - Optional Lunch